There are 6 designs of indicia whose face value is thirty-two cents, each of which is distinctive enough that it can be identified by examining the images below.
Liberty Bell
 design U177
You have identified design #U177 shared by Scott #U632 (printed in greenish blue and blue on white paper) and #U638 (printed in greenish blue and blue on white security paper). |
Spiral heart
 design U181
You have identified design #U181 diagnostic for Scott #U637 (printed in red on light blue paper). |
Shuttle and space station hologram
 design U163
You have identified design #U163 diagnostic for Scott #U639 (printed in carmine-rose on white paper), |
Save our environment
 design U182
You have identified design #U182 diagnostic for Scott #U640 (multicolored on white paper), |
1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games
 design U183
You have identified design #U183 diagnostic for Scott #U641 (multicolored on white paper). |
Great Seal of the United States
 design UO37
You have identified design #UO37 diagnostic for Scott #UO88 (printed in blue and red on white paper). |