 design U110
You have identified design #U110, printed in ultramarine on white paper and shared by Scott #s U557 (without a surcharge) and U566 (with a two-cent bright ultramarine surcharge). |
 design U111
You have identified design #U111, diagnostic for Scott #U563 (printed in rose red on white paper). |
White House Conference on Aging 1971
 design U112
You have identified design #U112, diagnostic for Scott #U564 (printed in light blue on white paper). |
Transpor 72
 design U113
You have identified design #U113, diagnostic for Scott #U565 (printed in ultramarine and rose red on white paper) |
Single-propellered airplane
 design UC2
You have identified design #UC2, diagnostic for Scott #UC7 die 2 (printed in olive-green on white paper). |
Jet airplane
 design UC10
You have identified design #UC10, diagnostic for Scott #UC36 (printed in red on white paper). |
Jet airplane
 design UC11
You have identified design #UC11, printed in red on white paper and shared by Scott #s UC37 (without a surcharge) and UC41 (with a two-cent surcharge). |